Safety Centre 👋

Advice and resources for users and parents

Staying safe online is a great concern for children and parents. In our safety centre, you’ll find resources and advice, as well as tips to keeping safe online. We also outline our comprehensive safety policy.

We’re giving parents the information and tools to help keep their children safe online. TwoFingers has been designed to be the safest place for them.

— Rich,

Staying Safe On TwoFingers

Tips For Staying Safe Online.

As a user or stakeholder of our app, it’s important to know how you can keep yourself or your child safe – as well as the steps we take to do the same.


Ask your child about their day. Whether they were out with friends or at school, asking them about their day can help build a level of trust – meaning they are more likely to open up.


Encourage your child to communicate with trusted friends. Chances are, the people in their friendship group have had similar experiences and can learn from each other.


Educate your child on the importance of staying safe online. The risks associated with peer-to-peer communication. Especially diverting from TwoFingers to unsafe apps. The key to staying safe on our app is to stay on our app.


We get it, you’re bored! But it’s important to remember to take it slow when talking to new people online, don’t rush into it! Keep an open dialogue with your parents and talk to them about any concerns you might have.


Report ANYTHING that offends or upsets you on TwoFingers. While we do have AI moderation, reporting it for manual review is always best practice.


Don’t send inappropriate messages or images! This is so important, we cannot guarantee that your message hasn’t been screenshotted. We will always prohibit explicit content on our platform.

Let’s Build A Safer Internet, Together

We’re redirecting you to a useful resource for 11-19 year olds, and their respective parents, to help them stay safe online. These resources are also useful in what to do if you’ve happened to get yourself into harmful situations online.